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Avissa Skin is the home of the most professional male body waxing services in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Now, more than ever, men are turning to waxing for hair removal instead of shaving. Our services aim to elevate men’s grooming standards in a comfortable and professional setting while educating on the best ways to maintain healthy skin.

Facial waxing services include eyebrows, nose, ears and neck. Body waxing services include hair removal from legs, chest, stomach, back, shoulders, arms, underarms. Many of our clients have told us that after several visits they noticed a remarkable difference in how thin their body hair became and how much cleaner they felt especially after physical activity. No matter how stubborn or coarse your hair is or how long you have been shaving, it is never too late to try waxing and get the smoothest skin possible! By carrying both natural Soft and Hard Wax, we combine the benefits of each to give a truly customized experience as each is better suited to different areas of the body.

MANZILIAN ? Don’t let the word intimidate you. Most people know what a Brazilian is, so just think about what a Brazilian man version would be. The Brazilian wax definition means removing all unwanted hair from the area around your genitalia, including your buttocks.  Note! We are currently only offering Laser Hair Removal for men’s bikini area.

There’s a common misconception that men don’t need, or want, to be waxed. That’s just not true!

It’s becoming more and more common for men to want to look just as good as women do. Waxing is effective on just about any area except the head and beard. Back, shoulders, chest, stomach, ears, nostrils, and especially the intimate area all feel and look better when they are smooth and hair-free. Swimmers and cyclists improve performance by keeping legs hair free. That “uni-brow” look can be separated into two distinct brows. Many men overlook the growth on their ears and in their nostrils that are noticeable to others when close-up.

Why should I wax?

Waxed hair grows back smooth and fine, unlike the stubble that grows back when you shave. Each time you wax, the hair follicle weakens and can eventually die, leaving you with less hair. In fact, if you get your wax done regularly, you will notice that your hair will become quite sparse and not as coarse.

How often should I wax?

The average is every 4 weeks. That estimate holds true for everything: brows to Brazilian to underarms. Because our hormones dictate our hair growth, some clients may experience slower or faster rates of growth. We can schedule accordingly.

Does waxing cause ingrown hairs?

Possibly. Some people get ingrown hairs no matter what method of hair removal they choose. Exfoliating daily and using an ingrown eliminator will help keep ingrown hairs away. Ask your service provider for product recommendation.

How much does waxing hurt?

We won’t lie. It’s not fun, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. It’s quick and any pain experienced diminishes in minutes. It’s like a band aid being ripped off. The anticipation is the worst part. The average wax takes between 20 and 30 minutes and the next thing you know you will be saying, “That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be”.

Ingrown Hairs?
Ask your service provider for product recommendation.

Are there any conditions which mean I won’t be able to have a wax treatment?
If you have any form of contagious skin condition we are unable to wax the affected area until the condition has cleared up. Sunburned or broken skin cannot be waxed until it is completely healed. Clients who are taking Accutane will need to delay having a wax treatment until at least six months after completing their medication. Skin that has been treated with steroid creams, Retin-A or any other retinoid acne products cannot be waxed for three months after the course of treatment has been completed.

Why is waxing a better option for men’s hair removal?
Skin stays smoother longer when you have unwanted hair removed with waxing by an expert practitioner. Regrowth is slower and softer, and less irritating than shaving. A smooth body makes your skin look firmer, your muscles more defined.

What areas can be waxed??
Waxing is effective on just about any area except the head and beard. Back, shoulders, chest, stomach, ears, nostrils, and especially the intimate area all feel and look better when they are smooth and hair-free. Swimmers and cyclists improve performance by keeping legs hair free. That “uni-brow” look can be separated into two distinct brows. Many men overlook the growth on their ears and in their nostrils that are noticeable to others when close-up.

What should I expect, and does it hurt?
When you make your appointment, we will discuss what areas you would like treated. Upon arrival for your appointment, your practitioner will escort you to the treatment room where she will confirm with you the areas you are wanting waxed, and answer any questions you might have. They then invite you to undress to the appropriate level before exiting the room. A few minutes later she will return, checking before entering to make sure you are ready to proceed. A thin layer of this wax is applied with a spatula, then a paper strip is placed over the wax. When the paper strip is pulled away the wax and hair is removed. Most men find that waxing is not nearly as uncomfortable as they expected. The momentary sensation when the service provider removes the wax is the worst of it. Subsequent hair removal within a 4-6 week time period becomes increasingly easier as the hair becomes softer and less coarse.

We won’t lie! It’s not fun, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. It’s quick and any pain experienced diminishes in minutes. It’s like a band aid being ripped off. The anticipation is the worst part. The next thing you know you will be saying, “That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be”.

What if I have a really low pain tolerance?
We suggest taking a mild pain killer 30 minutes before your appointment. This can help to lessen any pain you may experience during your services.

Will I be 100% hairless after my first service?
Waxing is very rarely perfect the first time as there are three phases to hair growth. To be removed successfully, hair has to be growing in a specific phase. It’s not until you’re waxed a 3rd, 4th, and possibly 5th time (4 – 6 weeks apart), that waxing is completely effective, as by this time most of your hair will be in the same growth phase.

How long does my hair need to be to wax?
We require that you have between 2 to 3 weeks of hair growth for the best results. Honestly, the longer the better for your first wax. It is EXTREMELY important to have enough hair growth when you come for your appointment. This allows the wax to grab the hairs easily. If your hair is too short to wax, you may need to reschedule your appointment. Please understand that if you choose to go ahead with the service that some hair may be left behind and we don’t tweeze.

How often should I wax?
The average is every 4 weeks. Because our hormones dictate our hair growth, some clients may experience slower or faster rates of growth. We can schedule accordingly.

Does waxing cause ingrown hairs?
Possibly. Some people get ingrown hairs no matter what method of hair removal they choose. Exfoliating daily and using an ingrown eliminator will help keep ingrown hairs away. Ask your service provider for product recommendation.

Will I be absolutely smooth after my first wax?
It’s possible but not likely. It is common that after the first wax or two you may feel a bit of stubble. This occurs most frequently with clients that have thick, dark and coarse hair. Because your body has three different hair cycles, each lasting approx. 4-6 weeks it is important to wax consistently every 4 weeks the first three to four times you wax so that you can get each hair cycle on its own waxing schedule. After the third or fourth wax you will find you are smoother for a greater length of time than when you started the waxing process. Everyone’s body is different and therefore will have a different experience.

Will it make my hair grow back darker and thicker?
Not at all! If you think about it, when you shave you are cutting the hair off at midshaft, which is the fattest part of the hair. So when it grows back it appears as though it’s thicker and darker but it’s not. When you wax, the hair is removed at the root and therefore a new hair will grow from that follicle. Waxing does not cause you to grow more hair follicles or change the pigment of the hair. In fact, if you get your wax done regularly, you will notice that your hair will become quite sparse and not as coarse.

Will I be absolutely smooth after my first wax?
It’s possible but not likely. It is common that after the first wax or two you may feel a bit of stubble. This occurs most frequently with clients that have thick, dark and coarse hair. Because your body has three different hair cycles, each lasting approx. 4-6 weeks it is important to wax consistently every 4 weeks the first three to four times you wax so that you can get each hair cycle on its own waxing schedule. After the third or fourth wax you will find you are smoother for a greater length of time than when you started the waxing process. Everyone’s body is different and therefore will have a different experience.

Do you want to find out if men’s body waxing is the right aesthetic treatment for you? Contact Avissa Skin clinic today for more information on the best Men’s Body Waxing Ann Arbor, Michigan has to offer, for information on other cosmetic procedures, or to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!